Buying for newborn baby

Buying for a Newborn Baby - Check List of the Essential Items

The wait is finally over! The little bundle of joy is now of earth side, but what on earth do they need. Let me break it down with a necessity gift list.

Mum and Dad normally have everything they need during the hospital stay, but new parents are often under prepared for what is needed when the baby arrives home.

Let’s face it, babies go through a lot of clothes changes. So, lets start with the basics.

  • Baby Singlets
  • Growsuits
  • Bodysuits
  • Nappies
  • Baby wipes
  • Bibs
  • Swaddles

These are the necessities and would be the most useful gift for a new parent. Let me show you my top picks.

Baby Singlets – Purebaby have a basic, essential range that covers all budgets. Singlets are perfect for layering, so useful for every season. They are organic, machine washable and eczema friendly.

Shop Purebaby Singlets 

Growsuits – These are a true staple item for a newborn baby. When looking for baby growsuits, hand and foot mittens should be built into the growsuit.

Our pick is Snuggle Hunny Kids. Once again, they are organic, machine washable and include hand and foot mittens. Babies are notorious for scratching their faces and having cold feet. The mittens really do make a huge difference.

Shop Snuggle Hunny Kids Growsuits

Bodysuits – For the summer babies, a bodysuit is a great option. Once again, it can be used for layering if needed.

Marquise stock a variety of body singlets, short and long-sleeved bodysuits that are very reasonably priced.

Shop Marquise Bodysuits

Nappies – Modern cloth nappies are becoming very popular, for a very good reason. Not only are they much better for the environment, but they are a cost-effective solution, saving new parents thousands of dollars in disposable nappies. They can be passed down from older siblings as well as being easy to clean.   

Shop Pea Pods MCN 

Baby Wipes – Babies have very sensitive skin! Even the gentlest baby wipe can cause a reaction. Ecoriginals stock a range of all-natural baby wipes. They include plant-based baby wipes and 100% home compostable. They stock 3 natural variants: Purified Water, Manuka Honey or Goat Milk.

Shop Ecoriginals

Bibs – Milk all over those lovely new clothes is not a good look. Bibs are a staple item. Anyone that has ever had a baby with reflux will know that you truly never have enough bibs. Living Textiles have some beautiful prints, as well as getting good bang for your buck.

Shop Living Textiles Bibs

Swaddles – Babies need to feel secure and safe. A baby swaddle gives them that feeling so hopefully everyone gets a little more sleep. You can purchase muslin wraps, stretchy wraps or a zip up swaddle. All of them are great and it really comes down to what mum and bub likes the most. In my opinion, Love to Dream stock the best swaddles around. They have a staged approach, starting with arms in and slowly introducing a transitional stage, followed by a fully independent stage of arms out.

Shop Love to Dream Swaddles

If all these options and shopping is making you run in the opposite direction, you could purchase a baby hamper that is all done for you. 

You have the option of creating a custom baby hamper which lets you pick everything. If that is stilling making you feel overwhelmed, you can pick and click a baby hamper that is already done for you. Pop in the delivery address, and your done. Have it shipped to you, ready to gift in person or have it delivered straight to the new parents.

Shop Hillside Hampers

Custom made baby gift hampers

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